12.45pm – 4.30pm – The Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science – Gordon Street, Canberra
Join three leading international experts on the Griffins as they talk about the influences and ideals that underpin the Griffin design for Canberra, and its international significance.
Professor Emeritus Paul Kruty
Professor Emeritus of Architectural History at the University of Illinois, USA
Walter Burley Griffin’s Ideas about Architecture, Landscape and Planning, 1901–1913
Professor James Weirick
Director of the Master of Urban Development and Design Course, Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales
100th anniversary of Walter Burley Griffin – Griffin and Canberra
Professor Dr. Karl Fischer
Acting director of the Master of Urban Development and Design Course, Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales; University of Kassel, Germany (2009 – 2012)
The Urbanism of the Griffin Plan – a 21st century international perspective
Program and biographies
Proudly supported by an Australian Government Your Community Heritage Grant.
Tickets: WBGS Members $75 (earlybird bookings $65 until 30 June);
Non-members $85; Students $30
Bookings essential: http://www.trybooking.com/CHQR