City of Sydney Council
Glebe Incinerator
Pyrmont Incinerator
Sydney Customs House
Ku-ring-gai Council
Cameron Residence
David Pratten Residence
Eric Pratten Residence
MidCoast Council
land subdivision at Port Stephens City (today’s North Arm Cove)
Mosman Council
Parramatta Council
Pittwater Council
South Sydney Council
Newcombe Residence
Rasmussen Residence
Waverley Council
James Stuart tomb
Willoughby Council
Castlecove Golf Course
Castlecrag and Haven Estates
Castlecrag Shops
Cheong House
Creswick House
Duncan House
Felstead House
Fishwick House
Grant House
GSDA No.1 Dwelling
GSDA No.2 Dwelling
Guy House
Haven Valley Scenic Theatre
Johnson House
Moon House
Mower House
O’Malley House
Rivett House
The Bulwark Arched Stone Bridge
The Bulwark Flat-roofed Stone Bridge
The Rampart Culvert
The Scarp Retaining Wall
Willoughby Incinerator
Wilson House